Showcasing the new superfood: Watercress
Did you know that the humble Watercress is the most nutrient-dense produce you can buy?
Watercress is a dark, leafy green that grows in natural spring water. Historically, people have used watercress as little more than a garnish. Now, however, it is seeing a resurgence in popularity as one of the latest superfoods.
According to a recent study conducted by the US CDC, watercress has a nutrient density score of 100 - A perfect score! Watercress is rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, and vitamin B9.
Raw watercress has a peppery taste, similar to mustard and wasabi. Once cooked, the pepperiness diminishes, leaving a distinctive vegetable flavour.
At Wild Honey we’re big fans of watercress because it’s nutritious and delicious alike. Try it in these wonderful dishes:
Poached Salmon Niçoise Salad
Poached Norwegian salmon, watercress, French beans, potatoes, boiled egg, cherry tomato, black Niçoise olives, herb champagne mustard vinaigrette.
Tel Aviv green falafel salad
Green falafel, house hummus, herb & seed tabouleh, tahini, pomegranate, cured lemon and watercress pesto
Shakshukit with deconstructed lamb & beef kebab with tchigurt, pine nuts, pistachios, cured lemon, watercress pesto, harissa, olive tapenade with pita bread & chopped salad.